Why Upholstery Cleaning is the Hottest Trend in Home Maintenance

If you are houseproud, you probably like keeping up with the latest home maintenance and cleaning trends, and there’s one popular trend that homeowners and renters are loving at the moment. 

Upholstery cleaning has suddenly become the hottest trend in home maintenance, and you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. While it might sound like a simple, mundane spring-cleaning chore, upholstery cleaning can really benefit you, your family, and your home. In fact, hiring professionals to carry out this service could transform the look and feel of your home. 

For upholstery cleaning Auckland-wide, the team at Carpet Surgeon is here to deliver exceptional service. In this blog, we’ll dive into the benefits of professional upholstery cleaning and discuss how it can revitalise your home, creating a fresh, healthy, and inviting living space you’ll love. Read on to explore why upholstery cleaning is such a game-changer in home maintenance. 

What is Upholstery Cleaning? 

Your home furnishings represent a valuable investment, and keeping your upholstery clean should be a priority. When you moved into your home, you might have spent a little extra money on your sofas, ottomans, armchairs, or couches to create a beautiful living space. Good quality furniture isn’t cheap, so you want to ensure that the furniture you purchase will last you for years so that you can make the most of your investment in the long run. 

If you’ve purchased fabric or leather furniture, upholstery cleaning is essential to maintain its overall appearance, hygiene, and comfort. At Carpet Surgeon, we utilise a deep steam cleaning method for upholstery that uses a safe and effective biodegradable solution and the latest cleaning equipment technology. Our team is trained to use modern cleaning methods that closely follow industry standards to ensure you are left with quality upholstery that is odour-free and looks great. 

How Often Should You Clean Upholstery?

Think about how often you use your furniture. Do you live in a busy household with children and pets running around, leaving spills or accidents behind? Or perhaps you purchased a lounge suite with delicate fabric that is prone to staining easily? Incorporating regular upholstery cleaning as part of your routine home maintenance is a great way to keep your living space clean while also improving the air quality. 

Always remember to follow your manufacturer’s instructions in the event of a spill. But if there’s a pesky stain that you can’t get rid of, no matter how many times you try, call the team at Carpet Surgeon to take a look and make a plan to sort it out for you. 

Create a Healthy Home

You might be wondering when the right time is to schedule a professional upholstery cleaning Auckland service, and the signs are likely already in front of you. Are you struggling to remove stubborn stains and spots? Perhaps there’s an odour that won’t go away, or your upholstery has lost its initial shine and sparkle. 

You may also think a sudden increase in allergy symptoms is due to hay fever or seasonal changes, which is true in some cases, but did you know that your upholstery also harbours bacteria and dust mites that can set off your allergies?

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, call Carpet Surgeon so we can create a brighter and healthier environment for you and your family. 

What are The Benefits of Upholstery Cleaning? 

It’s no wonder upholstery cleaning has become the hottest trend in home maintenance; it offers a variety of benefits for different households. From improving your home’s overall hygiene and increasing your furniture’s lifespan to creating a more inviting environment, the experts at Carpet Surgeon can help you access these benefits.

Services in Upholstery Cleaning Auckland-wide 

We’ve got you covered no matter what upholstery cleaning services you need. We offer bespoke leather upholstery cleaning and rejuvenation services to keep your more expensive furniture in the best condition. We offer fabric upholstery cleaning Auckland-wide, and our skilled technicians will transform your furniture from looking worn and tired to adding value to your home. 

Don’t forget about your mattress, either! Over time, mattresses pick up germs, allergens, bacteria, and skin cells, which can be detrimental to your health. We use a deep steam cleaning treatment to ensure your mattress remains odour-free and looks great again. 

At Carpet Surgeon, we also recommend our upholstery protection service to extend the appearance and life of your upholstery by adding an extra layer of film to protect the fabric from general spills and accidents. Simply blot and soak up any spills so you don’t have to worry about permanent damage. Our team will advise when it’s time to reapply the layer for added protection. 

Transform Your Living Space 

With our superior portable cleaning machines and upholstery solutions, our experienced Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certified technicians will ensure that your furniture is odour-free and looks great so that you can get on with living your best life. 

If you’re ready to transform your home, call our friendly team today for your free quote. 

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